It felt like a pretty good baking weekend--two recipes made and photographed, as well as some cookie dough made to bake during the week. I really meant to have a post written yesterday, but I decided it was a better idea to go to bed early. I stayed up entirely too late on Saturday night (after midnight!) so I could finish the book I was reading. And to be honest, because I was enjoying the solitude. I haven't had nearly enough time to myself lately, and it's been making me cranky and unfocused. Sadly today wasn't much help as far as that goes, since I was at work later than expected. But I still hope to get the girls to bed early so I can have some quiet time. Quiet time with a mug of tea and another piece of this cake. =)
I made this Eggnog Bundt Cake for our annual holiday potluck with the Italian genealogy group. I can always count on them to help me eat cake (so I don't eat it all myself). To be honest, I'm not a fan of eggnog. But when I read the recipe, I realized that it doesn't actually have any eggnog in it. Instead, it incorporates the flavors associated with eggnog. There's a full teaspoon of freshly grated nutmeg in it, along with a bit of dark rum. While I don't like eggnog, I'm a fan of nutmeg, and rum. =) To make the flavors stand out, they're mixed into a cup of the cake batter which is then used to make a swirl in the cake. The cake is topped with a simple powdered sugar glaze that includes a little more rum.
The verdict? Well, most of the cake disappeared pretty quickly, so I think it's safe to say that it was a success. The taste was good, and so was the texture--the cake had a good level of moistness. The only thing that didn't work as well as I'd hoped was the swirl. Mine ended up mostly at the bottom of the cake. I'm not sure if that's because of the pan I used (my Fleur de Lis pan) or something else. I'll have to try it again in my Classic Bundt pan to see what happens. I also cut back on the rum in the glaze (using about a teaspoon) because I knew my girls wanted to try the cake. I'll have to make it again with more when I'm just serving adults.
If you'd like to try this recipe for yourself, you can find it in this year's Cook's Illustrated Holiday Baking newsstand issue. It's also available to subscribers of the Cook's Country website.

Your cake looks so good. I will definitely have to keep this one in mind when I need a cake. I actually love eggnog so the flavors will be perfect.